「2016 年,我曾參加日本信樂國際藝術村的留駐計劃,那兒有大大小小八個柴窯,有些依然在運作。那年,當地居民、陶藝家和私人陶藝教室更獲邀一起拿作品到藝術村裏最大的柴窯燒製。從信樂回來後,我就更覺得﹕哎呀,為什麼香港‥‥‥(沒有這番氣象呢?)」
Rosanna Li|Ceramic Artist
// I was at the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga-ken, Japan, as an artist-in-residence in 2016. There are eight wood-fired pottery kilns of various size in the village. Some of them are still functioning well. Locals, ceramic artists and private pottery workshops were all invited to bring their own ceramic work to a collaborative wood firing at the largest kiln in the village that year. I feel pity to Hong Kong for not making good use of the historic dragon kiln we have after I returned from Shigaraki.//
#saveourdragonkiln #N147 #culturalconservation #守護龍窯 #青山陶窯 #文化保育 . 📸Instagram: hongkongdragonkiln