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〈誰能想到 我們會在摩星嶺遇上......它😯 A wonderful hike in Mount Davis with Charlton😯〉

十分感謝歷史專家 Charlton Cheung 昨日帶龍窯小隊到摩星嶺平房區遺址尋幽探秘👀,這一帶又叫公民村,前身是鼠疫墳場。跨過地面碎石、撥開攔腰斷枝(斷樹枝)、彎身穿過不明植物,小編突然聽到一聲尖叫😱……

我們竟然見到了它!是首位發明公用沖水馬桶的發明家 George Jennings……開創的公司—— George Jennings South Western Pottery 於50年代製造的陶造水管!



Yesterday, our team went for a hike in Mount Davis with local historian Charlton Cheung. In the area known as Kung Man Village, we visited an old cemetery, built as a result of the 1894 Hong Kong plague. As we waded through the stone paths and past heavy branches, one of us yelped in excitement😱...

We made a wonderful old ceramic water pipe, stamped British-made, by the George Jennings South Western Pottery. George Jennings was the inventor of the first public flushing toilets -- and it seems his company's sanitation pipes made it all the way to Hong Kong.

The Dragon Kiln🐉 also produced a lot of pipes like these in the past, and we couldn’t help but wonder, will we come across pipes made at the Dragon Kiln at some point🔎?! Thank you Charlton for this wonderful hike!

p.s. A little puzzle -- only some of the letters are legible on the pipe engraving. Can you figure out what it says🤔?


📸Instagram: hongkongdragonkiln


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