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〈碩果僅存 龍窯保育計劃公布〉 - 新聞稿

"Castle Peak Pottery Kiln: Conservation & Revitalization Proposal Announcement

6 August 2018



青山龍窯是位於屯門顯發里的三級歷史建築,亦是香港現存唯一龍窯。政府於三十多年前曾有保育計劃,古物古蹟辦事處首任執行秘書白德博士 (Dr Solomon Bard) 倡議發展為 「活的博物館」(living museum),計劃進行至草圖階段但無疾而終。



「龍窯係屯門人遺忘了的社區寶藏,好好保護和善用,可為屯門帶來更豐富的生活,相反,政府目前強加的規劃方案正扼殺了社區發展的機會。」 — 朱凱廸(新界西立法會議員)

「連如此珍貴的龍窯都保育不到,我們還可以留什麼給下一代?」— 鄺俊宇(立法會議員)

「特區政府,覓地建屋,真的做到『寸土必爭』的地步。承然,住屋重要,但與我門生活相關的歷史也重要。隱居屯門徑的香港僅有的一條龍窯,我們除了保育,也大可將它變成為關於藝術與歷史的文化教育,讓我們住在這地方,除了四面牆,還有更多值得住下去的元素。」 — 譚駿賢 (屯門區區議員)

「一個被擱置了30多年的龍窯活化計劃,跟香港歷史,文化藝術,教育,社區共融息息相關,現在是一個機會,重新啟動這個完美的構想,配合屯門社區的平衡發展,將龍窯及附近範圍設施,建構成為一個結合藝術及社區設施多工能化的陶瓷藝術中心。」 — 羅士廉 (香港龍窯關注組主席)

「這是一個與大自然結合的保育及社區計劃,是這片土地留給香港人的珍貴禮物」— 楊雪盈 (香港龍窯關注組副主席)


建議重用培愛學校舊址還有三個原因。首先,多個顧問研究均指出,若現址按目前規劃改建成 41 層高住宅大廈,大廈會阻擋盛行風流動,影響區內空氣流通;第二,城規會研究文件指建築工程引起的振動不會影響陶窯結構,但沒有具體數字證明,實應仔細確認,因龍窯一旦倒塌,是無法挽回的。第三,培愛學校於九十年代花港幣五千萬建成,這座不足23年的建築物應該盡可能翻新重用,而非再花一千八百六十萬公帑去拆卸。



香港龍窯關注組 謹啟

Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group Press Conference

With governament plans to increase housing in Tuen Mun and its population expected to grow, the Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group hopes that the future of the dragon kiln can be closely tied with the district’s development, combining community facilities, conservation and artistic development in its planning, with a view to building a future for residents that goes beyond just housing.

"The dragon kiln is a community treasure that has been forgotten by the Tuen Mun people. We should protect and make good use of it, and use it to bring a richer life to Tuen Mun residents. The government's current planning scheme is strangling the opportunity for community development,” said Eddie Chu Legislative Council member for New Territories West.

"If even the precious dragon kiln cannot be protected, what can we leave for the next generation?" added Legislative Council member Roy Kwong.

The Castle Peak Pottery Kiln is a grade-three historical building located at Hin Fat Lane, Tuen Mun. It is also the only remaining complete dragon kiln in Hong Kong.

Plans for a “Living Museum” were drafted more than 30 years ago by the first Executive Secretary of the Antiquities and Monument Office, Dr. Solomon Bard. Those plans were abandoned in the late 80s.

Taking inspiration from Dr. Bard’s plans, the Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group now presents our concepts for the Castle Peak Pottery Kiln Conservation and Revitalization, a proposal for a “Living Museum” complex that engages with nature and re-kindles its heritage with the Tuen Mun community.

"This is a conservation and community project that is combined with nature. It is a precious gift for Hong Kong people," stated Clarisse Yeung, Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group.

Rather than being a static historical monument, it is a place to offer ceramic experiences through demonstrations and workshops. Activities are carried out within nature and a place for artists-in-residence is in the heart of the woodland. Ceramic workshops are conducted next to water features and plants. Arts and crafts activities for the community are located at the public outdoor exhibition space.

The Concern Group’s plan also proposes converting and revitalizing the nearby disused Pui Oi School to become the Ceramic Community Centre. With classrooms, a library, a pottery shop, ceramic workshops, kilns and artists-in-residence quarters, the revitalized school would become a base for artistic development and community building.

The Concern Group believe there are multiple benefits to retaining the school structure and converting its use. Proposed plans to raze the building and replace it with a 41-storey residential buildling may block the prevailing wind flow and air ventilation in the area, according to government documents. The same document also stated testing has not been completed to conclusively determine such large scale construction works would not adversely affect the historic kiln. Finally, the Pui Oi School was completed in 1997. It is only 21 years old and 4 years since its previous inhabitants moved to a new school building. It is in good condition and its structure is complete, and should be refurbished and reused, as dismantling costs alone are budgeted to cost HKD18.6 million.

"The dragon kiln revitalization plan has been on hold for more than 30 years. The kiln is closely related to Hong Kong's history, art & culture, education, and community integration. Now is the time to re-launch this perfect concept, balanced with the ongoing development of Tuen Mun," said Chris Lo, Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group.

"The government is looking very hard for land to build housing. It is important to have housing, but the history related to our life is also important. There is only one dragon kiln in Hong Kong. Besides conserving it, we can turn it into a cultural landmark that educates us about art and history. Beyond having four wall, this type of project allows residents to really live in a well-rounded community.” Said Tam Chun-yin, Tuen Mun District Councillor.

The Hong Kong Dragon Kiln Concern Group believes that the Castle Peak Pottery Kiln: Conservation & Revitalization Proposal will benefit the greater community. It provides a much needed community facility for Tuen Mun’s growing population, integrates art & culture, conservation and community service, and connects the history of the Dragon Kiln to the present and future of Hong Kong residents.


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