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〈正式宣佈疫情阻止不了我們繼續守護龍窯😎 The perks of meeting online😎〉

疫情持續😷,龍窯小隊的會議都改成網上會議了,但這並無阻我們繼續行動,我們的會議有時更有可愛的貓貓🐱和狗狗🐶加入旁聽!我們密鑼緊鼓籌備當中的新書內容很精彩,還有一系列計劃都急不及待想跟大家分享,但現在就先賣個關子,大家記得 Like 我們的 Facebook page,Follow 我們的 Instagram 才不會錯過我們最新的消息💪🏽!


(摩星嶺之行無獎解謎遊戲🤔﹕水管上印的是什麼字? 💡題解﹕水管上印的字是「Poole, G Jennings, Dorset, British Made」,相信是英國製造廠 George Jennings South Western Pottery 於 50年代的產品。)


All our face-to-face meetings have been switched to online conference calls due to the pandemic😷, but this has never stop us from saving our dragon kiln. Having lovely cats🐱 and dogs🐶 to sit in our meetings randomly are the healing moments we enjoy a lot in our meetings. We are all excited about our new book about the Dragon Kiln and can't wait to share our upcoming events with you soon. Remember to like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram so you won't miss our latest updates💪🏽!

May you all be healthy and peaceful in times of pandemic😌.

(Clues to the little puzzle🤔 about our hike to Mount Davis. 💡Letters on the pipe engraving are "Poole, G Jennings, Dorset, British Made". It is believed that the pipe was produced in George Jennings South Western Pottery in England in 1950s.)

🚩Link to recap our wonderful hike in Mount Davis -


📸Instagram: hongkongdragonkiln

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