上周六,我們與嶺大視研服務研習生一起到龍窯的鄰居——柔莊之家,和舍友做陶瓷。導師Gary和Hikki教舍友用花草的紋理,製作自己獨一無二的花盆,將讓柔莊的花圃更添生氣!現在作品正在燒製過程中,大家將可在今年的柔莊之家開放日,看到大家的作品🎨 🏡【柔莊之家開放日】⛱ 11.17 (SAT) ︱09:30-12:30︱屯門青山公路青山灣段396號 P.S. 早前〈保龍窯 留學校 同塑社區奇蹟〉陶瓷工作坊作品已可在林頌鎧議員辦事處領取,請大家致電查詢=] 謝謝☺☺
Last Saturday, we visited the Dragon Kiln’s neighbour Yau Chong Home for a fun day of ceramic-making with their residents. Led by instructors Gary and Hikki, and with the help of students of Lingnam University’s Visual Studies Programme, we hand crafted a series of plant and flower pots for use in their charming garden! The pots are being fired now, and will be ready in time for Yau Chong’s Open Day later this month. 🎨 🏡【Yau Chong Home Open Day】⛱ Saturday, November 17, 2018 |09:30-12:30 | 396 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun, New Territories P.S. The works made during our street carnival from early September are now ready for pick up at the office of District Councillor Lam Chung-hoi. Feel free to call for more information.☺☺
#saveourdragonkiln #N147 #守護龍窯 #青山陶窯 . 📸Instagram: hongkongdragonkiln